This is a fairly common thing that needs to be done with cracked software, I've noticed. After the successful test, make sure to set the program to run as administrator. Run the compatibility troubleshooter and let it choose WinXP. Go to the installation folder and paste these copied exe files over the installed exe files of the same name, which are in the respective subfolders within the installation directory (in Windows, it's usually \Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims\Sims.exe or \The Sims Creator\TheSimsCreator.exe, unless you directed it to another location). Copy SIMS.exe and TheSimsCreator.exe files.
After you install, mount the first ISO and go into the crack/serial folder.
That said, I also ran into the issue with not having anything happen when trying to run the game after installation in Windows 10, but I was able to get it going. It does run very smooth though, so I do think that loosing open world was worth it.For those running into insufficient memory issues, it's usually a non-issue, if you can get the game to run.
Anyway, if you are a fan of the series or even a new person to the series, I recommend this game a lot, you will love it! With more expansion packs coming this game has a huge potential of being the best Sims game in the series, aside from no open world and fewer lots. You can paint but still interact with your friend or a husband, keeping the relationship status high and keeping their social need satisfied as well. Getting lonely of not interacting or even loosing the relationship status at high level is no longer such a huge problem like it was in The Sims 3. For example if you make two sims in love so that they would talk to each other, hug each other and kiss each other, but then stop controlling them, these sims will continue interacting like they are in love. Also, sims memorize your interactions and do them on their own. They can do many tasks at the same time, like eating, talking, and watching TV. Yes, that easy! Sims themselves are much more intelligent now.

You can change it at any time and you can also change the foundation height at any time! Do not like where you have build your house and want to move it to a different spot on a lot? Just grab the whole house and position it however you want in a matter of seconds, just like moving objects. I can click and drag to change size of the room or shape of the roof. Awesome! Build mode has changed so much now. Click right on the model and then drag the mouse to change the shape. Building and creating a sim is so much easier and gives you a lot more options in what you can do. However, this game did not disappoint me! It is just an expansion pack, but it already has a lot of content. I loved The Sims 3, and I had doubdts about buying The sims 4. The Sims 4 Has A Huge Potential of Becoming The Best Sims Game! You can also take selfies of your sim or together with another sim or just a photo in general which is kinda neat reminds me of the paintings in the sims or sims 2 pretty sure was sims 2 that had that ,I cant remember but they had a spefic painting that you could get of yours sim and it was like a painting every time you changed your sim the painting would automatically be whatever you changed your sim to was neat. The vampires and pets and singing are add ons though I will warn you of that and the add ons aren't exactly cheap lol. Theres no limit on stuff you can put in your home which is very nic e whats the point in having fancy stuff if you cant buy it cuz your place will set on fire lol. But the sims 4 takes the cake its awesome. No wonder it took so long for 4 to come out. Someone put a lot of thought in to making this game and it shows. You can even sing now omg that's awesome. This game has everything omg I love it, Vampires, pets, More jobs, more skills its great so much fun to mess around. Most fans of the series prefer Sims 3, which is much more widely available. But still a nice fun game, graphics improved absolutely very nice, the map is huge too which means more places got to hand it to them on that one way more places. The Sims: Deluxe Edition might be easier to find, which includes the Livin'. Whats up with that, that was my favorite part about it you could design literally everything. I either haven't figured it out or something but they took the cars away and I cant design the cloths no more.